Posts by Kyle Clendinning

Where Mountains Once Stood: Coal Mining in the Appalachians

Posted by on Aug 14, 2012 in Earth SOS, Environmental Issues, Featured Slide, health, Human Rights, RECENT POSTS, World Updates | Comments

Where Mountains Once Stood: Coal Mining in the Appalachians

By KYLE CLENDINNING  Published August 14, 2012 The Appalachian Region of the United States stands as one of the most scenic areas in North America. This 205,000 square mile region follows the Appalachian Mountains from southern New York to Northern Mississippi, including all of West Virginia and parts of Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia. Home to more than 25 million people, this region also boasts deciduous broad-leaf trees, evergreen needle-leaf conifers and vast array of wildlife ranging from Black Bears to...

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Climate Change and Conflict: The Implications for Sub-Saharan Africa

Posted by on Apr 23, 2012 in Earth SOS, Environmental Issues, Featured Slide, Human Rights, World Updates | Comments

Climate Change and Conflict: The Implications for Sub-Saharan Africa

By KYLE CLENDINNING  Published April 23, 2012 There is now widespread agreement that climate change will have a revolutionary impact on how populations interact with their environment. It has been projected that shifts in the earth’s climate may result in coastal erosion, declining precipitation and soil moisture, increased storm intensity and species migration. As the global ecosystem undergoes these changes, so too must its people. Yet climate change will not affect all people equally; the most dramatic effects will likely be experienced by the nations of Sub-Saharan Africa. Key concerns...

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